MMKC is proud to host several events during the year. As these events become available, announcements will be made here. We’re always happy to hear from you with ideas for future events.
MMKC Monthly Meetings
When: Second Tuesday of Every Month
We meet virtually via Zoom every Second Tuesday.
Members will be emailed a link to the Zoom meeting.
If you are not a member and wish to attend, please email us.

Monthly Knit Togethers
When: Every Third Saturday of the Month
Every Third Saturday, we get together and work on our own projects.
We check in to share what we are working on, and how things are going, at 9am, 1pm, and 4pm.
The Knit Together “Zoom Room” stays open all day long. Feel free to stay on Zoom, and please mute while you are working. You can leave the meeting and come back at any time during the day.
If you want to talk to someone, use the same link, unmute and say “hello!” - if someone is around they will join you, answer questions, and offer moral support! To attend, please email us.
When: On Hold
Charity knitting is the focus for Joyful Noise Knit-Ins. Bring your single bed, double bed, or circular sock knitting machine and knit for our MMKC charities. Yarn and patterns provided. Bring some snacks to share. Lunch is on your own. Tables are available at the Textile Center of Minnesota that are suitable for single bed machines only. Double bed knitting machines, single bed knitting machines with ribber, and CSMs will require you to bring your own table or stand. There is no cost for this event.
When you RSVP please indicate what type of machine you are bringing (bulky, mid-gauge, standard) so that appropriate yarn and patterns will be available.
Cost: free R.S.V.P. Required Email us with questions
Joyful Noise Knit-In for Bundles of Love